Wednesday 23 May 2007

More ramblings

I spent yesterday at a gloriously sunny Rutland Water Nature Reserve, testing binoculars for work. Strange as it might seem, testing days are not always great for actually watching birds, because you get so caught up in the technical aspects of the kit, but we did see a lone Tree Sparrow, and marvel at the sheer range of Sedge Warbler songs (and the energy of said warblers - they kept up an almost unbroken chorus all day).
On the way home, I paused briefly at Manton bridge to watch one of the breeding Ospreys tucking into dinner, and stopped in Uppingham to get stamps. Inevitably, I got drawn into one of its two fine old secondhand bookshops, and bought Elaine Feinstein's biography of Ted Hughes for under a fiver. Another to add to the "awaiting reading" list.

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