Thursday 29 April 2021

What's new at Nine Arches?

This is my regular recommendation that you have a browse at the Nine Arches Press website – it's full of great individual poetry collections (the most recent being Jacqueline Saphra's 100 Lockdown Sonnets), anthologies, books on the process of writing poetry, and Under The Radar magazine.

If you go all the way down to near the bottom of this page, you'll see that my last collection, The Elephant Tests, is still available. I am finally getting close to completing a very belated follow-up to that book, although there's still work to be done. So what am I doing here?

Friday 23 April 2021

Saboteur Awards 2021

The second round of voting in the Saboteur Awards 2021 is now open – you have until May 5th to make your voice heard about some of the best of the year's literature. You don't have to vote in every category, but you're asked to vote in at least three.

I do have a slight interest in the Best Collaborative Work category, as I contributed to Arrival At Elsewhere, curated by Carl Griffin. It's a book-length poem that responds to the events of the last year, and I recommend it very highly, although I would say that, wouldn't I?

Monday 12 April 2021

An – excuse me – DAMN fine poetry course!

Twin Peaks might very well have been the best TV programme of all time. It was certainly one of the most influential. I'm talking here primarily about the first two series. In fact, primarily the first, although anything to do with David Lynch deserves watching and rewatching. I think I might be inspired to dig out a few of my favourite clips and post them on here in celebration.

So, this looks fantastic – a Zoom-based poetry course on writing poems inspired by Twin Peaks, with tutor Chrissy Williams. Full details, including how to book, are on that link. 

Monday 5 April 2021

Spelt Magazine

The first ever issue of Spelt is out now, and you can read more about it and buy a copy here. It promises "poetry and creative non-fiction that has something to say about the rural experience", which leaves plenty of scope.

The full submission guidelines are here.