Showing posts with label Michael Wood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Wood. Show all posts

Thursday, 15 August 2013

From Watford Gap To Camelot

In the course of searching for some information on Alfred The Great (in the wake of Michael Wood's excellent King Alfred and the Anglo-Saxons on BBC4 last week), I rediscovered this rather splendid website. I say rediscovered, because I remember reading it in its entirety a good eight years ago.

It's great to dip in and out of, and sends you off down all sorts of historical and geographical byways, if you'll excuse the obvious cliche. It's also got me thinking about a long-distance walk I intended to do years ago, but which I've put off again and again.

I've also just noticed that this is Polyolbion's 1000th post (in what's going on for seven years now). From Watford Gap To Camelot is an oddly appropriate website to feature, then, following as it does in the footsteps of Michael Drayton.