An intriguing new anthology is due from Cardiff-based publisher SD Publications in late autumn.
Cthulhu Cymraeg; Lovecraftian Tales From Wales is a collection of stories written in the style of H P Lovecraft - the American godfather of modern horror - by writers either born, living or working in Wales.
Edited by Welsh author Mark Howard Jones and publisher Steve Upham, both lifelong Lovecraft fans, the anthology intends to bring the Lovecraftian tale 'back home' to Wales.
"Lovecraft was hugely influenced by Caerleon-born author Arthur Machen," explained Mark. "Without Machen, Lovecraft's work would have been very different. He would probably have been far more influenced by Lord Dunsany or Algernon Blackwood. In short, I believe his writing would have been a lot less satisfying and have had a lot less impact than it has had."
"Given that such a large part of Lovecraft's literary DNA came from this part of the world, I've always been surprised by the fact that so few Welsh authors had responded directly to his work. Hopefully this anthology will go some way to correcting that."
Featuring the writing of Rhys Hughes, John Llewellyn Probert, Bob Lock, Brian Willis and many others, Cthulhu Cymraeg will be available in print and electronic formats through Amazon in late October.