Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Southwell Library Poetry Festival

Nottinghamshire seems to do pretty well for poetry events - Nottingham itself is home to a fine magazine, more than one press, and plenty of good poets, there's a book festival at Lowdham, and now there's this, just down the road at Southwell, which you may know better as a horse-racing venue.

My apologies for not having posted this sooner - I'd stored it up then was unable to get it online in time because I was between PCs. But late is better than never, I hope.

The Festival runs until Saturday (July 12th), and events include:
  • An introduction to Irish poetry.
  • A poetry writing workshop for beginners.
  • A talk on the poetry of D H Lawrence.
  • Four regional poets laureate reading together - Cathy Grindrod, River Wolton, Anne Atkinson and Sibyl Ruth.
  • Poetry and food from around the world.
  • Poetry by two visiting American poets, together with a concert of songs written by Woody Guthrie.
  • Readings of Shakespeare sonnets and an event for children.
Obviously, my tardiness means that some of those events have alread taken place, but a full programme is available from Southwell Library by calling Nicola Ellis on 01636 812148, and further information is also available by calling Ross Bradshaw on 0115 969 3597 or 07740 845 664.

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