Friday, 25 March 2011

Listen to StAnza 2011

There are loads of good recordings of poets reading at last week's festival here - I can particularly recommend Billy Letford, and especially his startling There's hunners o burds on the roofs. I think there are more recordings being added all the time, too, so keep going back to check for updates.

1 comment:

Belinda said...

Billy Letford reads 'Impact Theory', 'There's hunners o burds on the roofs' and 'It's aboot the labour' - I've never heard Poetry read with such character. With, 'There's hunners o burds on the roofs', you can almost hear the 'chitter chatter' of the birds! Loved the phrase, "We're not Dodo's, we can fly." The one that brought the biggest smile however was 'It's aboot the labour'. Very different to the poetry I listen to. Thanks Matt - Belinda.